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Eiffel Excellence Scholarship 2022-2023 at the Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute - Bordeaux INP

| France




The Eiffel Scholarship Programme was created by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students to enrol in their Masters and PhD programmes.


Bordeaux INP accepts applications from foreign students with a Master's degree or a PhD to join its engineering schools:

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry, Biology, Physics
  • Cognitics
  • Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics
  • Environment, Georesources and Sustainable Development Engineering
  • Aeronautical Maintenance and Industrial Performance


Apply now (online form)



October 2021
Launch of the call for applications.

Before 28 November 2021
Applications must be submitted via the online form. The supporting documents to be attached and the cases of ineligibility are specified below.

6 December 2021
Analysis of the applications by the Bordeaux INP international committee

From 9 to 17 December 2021
Information sent to applicants and preparation of the final application file.

Before 7 January 2022
Bordeaux INP sends the selected applications to Campus France



List of supporting documents 

  • A CV written in French or English, specifying the candidate's performance (2 pages maximum).
  • Ranking in the graduating class: any document attesting to the candidate's excellence and specifying the mention, the ranking in the graduating class, the diploma with indication of the speciality and the date of obtaining and the mentions and marks certified by the home institution.
  • The candidate's professional project written in French or English (2 pages maximum). The presentation may be supported by an opinion from a person outside the institution, for example a company.
  • A copy of the transcripts of the last 3 years of higher education: the transcripts must refer to an academic career completed both in France and abroad.
  • A copy of the last diploma obtained
  • A copy of a valid identity document (identity card or passport) showing the surname, first name, date of birth and identity document number of the candidate.
  • For candidates whose mother tongue is not French, a copy of the French language certificate or diploma (DELF, DALF, TCF).
  • The course outline of the desired Master's degree and its complete academic calendar for the current year.


Note :

  • Only 1 PDF file per item
  • Any incomplete file sent after 21 November 2021 will be rejected



Cases of ineligibility

  • Candidates over 25 years old at the time of the 2020 candidacy campaign (born before March 1995)
  • Candidates with dual nationality, one of whose nationalities is French
  • Foreign students already receiving a French government scholarship under another programme at the time of application are not eligible, even if it is a social security scholarship
  • The application of a student whose application was not accepted during a previous selection, even if the student's field of study or the host institution changes
  • Applicants who have already received an Eiffel scholarship at Master's level
  • French courses located abroad
  • Only applications submitted by French higher education institutions are admissible
  • The same candidate presented by several French institutions
  • Courses under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract
  • The Eiffel scholarship cannot be combined with any other French government scholarship, nor with an Erasmus+ scholarship, nor with an AUF scholarship
  • Periods of compulsory internship or exchange: the scholarship holder who carries out an internship keeps the benefit of his scholarship only when it is a compulsory internship/exchange which appears in the training programme for which the scholarship was awarded to him and within the limit of the maximum duration of the scholarship awarded
  • Incomplete applications
  • The gap period is authorised but will result in the termination of the scholarship, with a possible deferral of the scholarship.



Documents to download



International Relations Department


Do you need more information?

Please visit the Campus France website for more information on the Eiffel scholarship programme.

For more information, visit the official page of the Eiffel scholarship at the Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute.



Previous Scholarship:
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship 2022-2023 at Grenoble Alpes University (Master level)
Next Scholarship:
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship 2022-2023 at the University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne







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